Bariatric Surgery

The General Surgery Department at Al-Emadi Hospital is one of the largest and most technologically advanced departments. It includes operation rooms equipped with the latest and most sophisticated devices, supported by advanced diagnostic tools. ~The department provides 24/7 advanced pre- and post-operative care by a highly specialized team of consultants from different surgical specialties. Al-Emadi Hospital’s team of licensed professional surgeons offers a wide range of surgeries and procedures using both conventional and laparoscopic methods.

Some of the main surgeries done by the department includes but not limited to:

  • Obesity surgery (gastric band-sleeve-bypass)
  • Hernia surgery (abdominal-diaphragmatic-inguinal)
  • Acid reflux surgery
  • Breast diseases and cancer
  • Gastrointestinal diseases
  • Colon cleansing
  • Thyroid and parathyroid surgery
  • Soft tissue lumps (excision, biopsy)
  • Hemorrhoid treatments
  • Surgical and non-surgical (laser, infrared)
  • Varicocelectomy


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